Sunday, August 1, 2010

About me...

I have been in the business of helping keep people and their assets safe for over 20 years. In fact, the reason I ended up owning two security companies was that I saw a tremendous opportunity to improve the services being offered in these areas. There isn’t a day that goes by that I am not being asked questions like, “What can I do to keep my business more secure?” or “What can I do to help improve my employees and family safety?” or even, “This whole security area is such a mystery to me, (and sometimes scary) it would be great to talk with someone knowledgeable so I can have more peace of mind.”

Its questions like these (and many others) that prompted me to create my own Blog and share what I can that can help in these areas. If I can help keep just one business or family from having a break-in or robbery (or something even worse) happens because of what they got from my blog, it will have been worth the effort. This is all about helping you, my readers, become more knowledgeable, more confident and ultimately more secure.

As you read my blog, please remember I am surrounded by a great group of talented individuals in our company with more than 88 years of experience. I am proud of all our dedicated associates who strive to bring you reliable, dependable and quality solutions on a daily basis – their who make us a success.

I really want to hear from you. This blog also gives you a forum to interact with me – and I encourage your comments. Hopefully we will both get to know each other a little better on this journey of sharing and helping each other. I look forward to crossing paths some day and saying hello.

I am delighted you have decided to visit and I'll do my best to make it a valuable experience for you.
